On Aug. 18, the Urban Information Lab hosted the Smart Cities and Generative AI Symposium. Interdisciplinary professionals across academia and industry gathered to inform, examine, and discuss how generative artificial intelligence impacts our cities. Topics included Smart Resilience, Smart Mobility, and Large Language Model (LLM) Applications. Some highlights of the day included an opportunity to […]
Ethical AI Faculty Retreat
Tuesday, August 15th was the first official Ethical AI retreat! Faculty and Fellows in the Ethical AI program gathered to discuss lessons learned from the past year, ongoing research projects that our PhD Fellows are leading, and the vision and goals for the upcoming year. Plus, everyone got a cool shirt! 🙂
We’re Hiring!
Dr. Junfeng Jiao, the Director of the Ethical AI program, is hiring for two positions. Find out more information and apply at the following links: Senior Research Program Coordinator and Postdoctoral Fellow!
Spring 2023 Smart City Practicum Course Projects
One of the courses eligible for the Ethical AI portfolio program is Dr. Junfeng Jiao’s Smart City Practicum Planning Studio (CRP 395C). If you’re interested in learning more about the practicum, check out the excellent projects completed by the students in the Spring 2023 course! Resilience hub: This team considered the importance of working to […]
Student Projects from UGS 302: First-Year Signature Course
With the students’ permission, we have gathered here a sampling of the excellent projects completed by students in the Spring 2023 UGS 302: Ethics of AI: Theorizing Good Systems course taught by Dr. Junfeng Jiao. Please find them below!