Dr. Junfeng Jiao, the Director of the Ethical AI program, is hiring for two positions. Find out more information and apply at the following links: Senior Research Program Coordinator and Postdoctoral Fellow!
News and updates
Spring 2023 Smart City Practicum Course Projects
One of the courses eligible for the Ethical AI portfolio program is Dr. Junfeng Jiao’s Smart City Practicum Planning Studio (CRP 395C). If you’re interested in learning more about the practicum, check out the excellent projects completed by the students in the Spring 2023 course! Resilience hub: This team considered the importance of working to […]
Student Projects from UGS 302: First-Year Signature Course
With the students’ permission, we have gathered here a sampling of the excellent projects completed by students in the Spring 2023 UGS 302: Ethics of AI: Theorizing Good Systems course taught by Dr. Junfeng Jiao. Please find them below!
Humanising Machine Intelligence at the Australian National University
Join us for this free talk on Monday, May 1st, sponsored by Good Systems and the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship in Ethical AI! RSVP here. This talk aims to give a breadth-first overview of the Humanising Machine Intelligence (HMI) research initiative at the Australian National University (ANU), followed by a few deep-dives to inter-disciplinary […]
Launch of OpenCityAI
The Urban Information Lab has officially launched OpenCityAI, an AI chat model trained on public city information. OpenCityAI is able to generate accurate responses with citations for a variety of questions that people may have about their cities. It provides accurate responses with citations in a simple easy-to-use interface. One of the focuses for this […]